We will plant a tree when you become a client of Senta

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By Alan Gregory | 06/01/2021 | 1 min read

We love the planet. No, really we do. And that’s why Senta is excited to announce that every time a client converts from a free trial to a paying client, we’re going to plant a tree. But we promise not to go on about it.

More Trees

How it works

  • Sign up for a free 30-day trial
  • If you decide you like Senta and would like to become a paying client, we’ll ask moretrees.eco to plant a tree on your behalf.
  • You’ll get an email confirming this.

Why are we doing this?

Senta clients are part of a like-minded community. A community that loves intuitive and helpful practice management software – amongst other things. It makes sense that we’re seeking to attract similar like-minded humans who love the planet too. 

More trees

Will it stop climate change in its tracks? Not quite.

Will it mean more clients for Senta? Probably not.

Will it be a step in the right direction? Certainly. 

But we’re not going to go on about it. You can read more about the type of projects More Trees gets involved with here: moretrees.eco 


If you’re a Senta client and you’d like to do the same

We’ve made it really simple and set up a ZAP from Senta to MoreTrees.  Just set up an account with www.moretrees.eco and then link your Senta account for a change in client status.