Explore HR and Payroll Technologies For Nonprofits

employee opening their payslip
By Laura Wootton | 08/09/2024 | 4 min read

Nonprofits are faced with unique hurdles that other businesses and organizations never have to worry about. For most nonprofits, your budget is extremely tight, and you’re looking to stretch every dollar and penny to get as much as you need from the resources you have.

An often overlooked cost is in your HR and payroll solutions. These tools are necessary for your nonprofit to succeed, but there’s a good chance your existing solutions aren’t helping you get the most from your limited budget.

Here’s your chance to learn more about HR and payroll for nonprofits and the benefits they can provide.

Solutions your nonprofit needs

Because of the unique needs of your organization, you need access to unique solutions. Here are four of the most impactful HR and payroll solutions for nonprofits.

  1. Human Capital Management (HCM)

Your team is the foundation of your nonprofit's success or failure. To help make sure you are getting the most from your team, you need a tool that can easily track time and attendance and employee data management. The right HR solution will help you save time managing your team while also helping your team work more efficiently.

  1. Payroll Solutions

Nonprofits are burdened with extra regulations and standards when it comes to payroll, and you need a payroll solution that can handle it all. Everything from making sure payroll is processed accurately and on time without errors to managing grant allocations and restricted funds tracking can be done simultaneously using the right solution.

  1. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Nonprofits can feel swamped with applications and resumes for positions, but you need to find the perfect member of your team without having to spend hours of time managing and sorting through each application. A reliable ATS helps streamline finding the perfect members of your team by making recruitment and onboarding easy. An ATS helps you to source top talent while making it easy to communicate, interview, and analyze applications, helping you save time.

The best ATS systems go beyond helping you find the best talent for your organization but also help with onboarding new employees. Automating your onboarding processes creates a standardized and streamlined format, helping you create a universal experience for all employees while ensuring that all necessary documents and initial training is completed.

  1. Employee Self-Service Portals

Self-service portals are powerful tools for any business. They transfer payroll and HR tasks from you to your employees. Key functions like updating banking and direct deposit information can be managed entirely by the employees. Additionally, self-service portals give employees direct access to HR and payroll information, so if there is ever a question or concern, they can access the information themselves without having to disrupt your workflow. 

The benefits of automating payroll and HR processes

Automation is a loaded term, and many people are worried that AI and automation will take over their jobs. However, when it comes to payroll and HR processes, there’s no need to fear. Automation won’t replace you. Instead, automation is like a calculator or spreadsheet. It’s a tool you can use to make your job easier, saving you time and energy to help you focus on other, more meaningful tasks.

Here are five ways automation is worth implementing in your nonprofit's HR and payroll processes.

  1. Efficiency and Time Savings

Automation helps remove repetitive processes from your workflow. By removing manual tasks like data entry, your HR team has more time to work on more strategic activities. Additionally, automation reduces the error rate of the tasks it is involved with, because there is no human error. This means that you’ll experience reduced errors in payroll processing and compliance reporting, helping you save time and money in resolving them.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

When you choose to implement a better payroll and HR solution for your non-profit, you can lower administrative costs. Automation helps you better allocate your limited resources and streamline your payroll and HR operations.

  1. Improved Accuracy and Compliance

Humans make errors. Even when we are cautious, manual data entry errors can range from 18% to as much as 40%. It’s accepted that humans will make spelling errors, occasionally invert numbers, or make other simple data input mistakes. Contrary to that high error rate, automated systems don't make mistakes as long as the data inputted into the system is correct, and they aim to have error rates lower than 1%. Improved accuracy leads to fewer errors and reduces the time and resources spent resolving those issues.

  1. Enhanced Data Security

Your HR and payroll teams deal with sensitive data you must safely protect and store. Automated solutions make it easy to ensure all documents are stored correctly and in line with all federal and local regulations, allowing you to protect sensitive data automatically.

  1. Better Employee Experience

HR and payroll are a major part of how your employees interact and experience your organization. By streamlining and improving your payroll and HR experience, your employees feel better about your organization while giving you more time to focus on further improving and building your brand’s community.

Achieve More with IRIS

With over 40 years of experience in the market, IRIS has helped businesses and organizations worldwide with their HR and payroll needs. Get started today to see the difference IRIS Payroll and HCM Services can make for your non-profit.

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