How to Change Your Bank Account Information

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By Jamie Dougherty | 24/08/2017 | 1 min read

When changing any information for your primary payroll bank account, please be aware that the following steps are needed to accommodate this change.

This applies to all banks from which funds are drawn for payroll processing or fees payments.

  1. When requesting a change to your bank account information, all changes need to be submitted with supporting paperwork to have the change applied. Depending on what is changing, you will need to do the following:
    • If you are only changing the account you are pulling payroll from for your employees and taxes, your payroll specialist will send you a Client Information Form to fill out.
    • If you are changing the account that you use to pay fees to myPay Solutions Direct, your payroll specialist will send you a service agreement.
    • For both scenarios, your payroll specialist will request a voided check or something on bank letterhead, such as a bank specification sheet.
  2. Completed documentation must be submitted at least five business days prior to payroll entry.
  3. All forms have to be signed by someone who has banking authority over the bank account.

Any questions about this process? Please reach out to your payroll specialist for additional information.